Detection and Diagnosis of Early Gastric Cancer【電子版】
- 出版社
- 日本メディカルセンター
- 電子版ISBN
- 978-4-88875-939-7
- 電子版発売日
- 2019/05/27
- ページ数
- 220ページ
- 判型
- B5
- フォーマット
- PDF(パソコンへのダウンロード不可)
電子版販売価格:¥8,580 (本体¥7,800+税10%)
- 印刷版ISBN
- 978-4-88875-314-2
- 印刷版発行年月
- 2019/05
- ご利用方法
- ダウンロード型配信サービス(買切型)
- 同時使用端末数
- 3
- 対応OS
iOS最新の2世代前まで / Android最新の2世代前まで
※Androidは、Android2世代前の端末のうち、国内キャリア経由で販売されている端末(Xperia、GALAXY、AQUOS、ARROWS、Nexusなど)にて動作確認しています - 必要メモリ容量
- 1920 MB以上
- ご利用方法
- アクセス型配信サービス(買切型)
- 同時使用端末数
- 1
Having already gained some experience in endoscopy before I joined the Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR, I was under the misapprehension that upper GI endoscopy was easy. At the Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR, however, I saw lesions I had never seen before-such as gastritis-resembling cancer, minute gastric cancer, and 0-IIb lesions-being detected one after the other. I was astonished by the difference between my competence and that of the doctors at the Institute. When I asked one of them what the secret to finding gastric cancer was, he said that the lesion looked luminous. At first, I didn’t understand what he meant. But once I had looked at enough lesions to get used to them, lesions started jumping out at me. And I understood it was what he meant when he said the lesion looked luminous. (from "Afterword")
1 Normal gastric mucosa and gastritis
Normal gastric mucosa (Helicobacter pylori [H. pylori]-uninfected) / H. pylori-infected gastritis (H. pylori current infection and past infection)
2 Classification of gastric cancer and clinical characteristics
Classification of gastric cancer / Histogenesis and growth patterns of gastric cancer and clinical characteristics
Chapter Ⅱ How to Detect Gastric Cancer
1 Findings you need to consider in order to detect gastric cancer
Relationship with the background mucosa / Findings on the surface (cancerous area) /Findings on the margins
2 Factors and findings which make gastric cancer easy to miss
Sites that are easy to overlook / Lesions that are difficult to be found / Indigo carmine - a magic potion that unveils hidden cancers
Chapter Ⅲ Where’s the Gastric Cancer?-Detection and diagnosis
51 Cases are described.
Chapter Ⅳ Did You Find the Gastric Cancer?-Answers and Diagnoses