
- 出版社
- Gakken(旧学研メディカル秀潤社)
- 電子版ISBN
- 978-4-05-988002-8
- 電子版発売日
- 2022/07/18
- ページ数
- 352ページ
- 判型
- B5
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電子版販売価格:¥9,900 (本体¥9,000+税10%)
- 印刷版ISBN
- 978-4-7809-0425-3
- 印刷版発行年月
- 2021/09
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- 1
第Ⅰ章 頭頸部広域解剖アトラス
第Ⅱ章 頭頸部各領域解剖
1 頭蓋底 skull base
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1.1 海綿静脈洞 cavernous sinus
1.2 Meckel 腔 Meckel’s cave
1.3 翼口蓋窩 pterygopalatine fossa
1.4 翼突管 pterygoid canal
1.5 正円孔 foramen rotundum
1.6 卵円孔 foramen ovale
1.7 破裂孔 foramen lacerum
1.8 舌下神経管 hypoglossal canal
1.9 頸静脈孔 jugular foramen
1.10 内耳道 internal auditory canal
2 眼窩 orbit
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2.1 視神経・視神経管 optic nerve, optic canal
2.2 上眼窩裂・下眼窩裂 superior orbital fissure, inferior orbital fissure
2.3 眼窩骨構造 orbital bone
2.4 外眼筋 orbital muscle
2.5 眼球 eyeball
2.6 眼窩内血管 intraorbital blood vessel
2.7 涙腺・涙道 lacrimal gland, lacrimal passage
3 鼻腔・副鼻腔 nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
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3.1 篩板 cribriform plate
3.2 鼻腔 nasal cavity
3.3 鼻涙管 nasolacrimal duct
3.4 篩骨洞 ethmoid sinus
3.5 上顎洞 maxillary sinus
3.6 蝶形骨洞 sphenoid sinus
3.7 前頭洞 frontal sinus
3.8 翼状突起 pterygoid process
4 組織間隙 spaces
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4.1 傍咽頭間隙 parapharyngeal space
4.2 咽頭後間隙 retropharyngeal space
4.3 咀嚼筋間隙 masticator space
4.4 椎周囲間隙 perivertebral space
4.5 頸動脈間隙 carotid space
5 上咽頭 nasopharynx
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5.1 上咽頭側壁(Rosenmüller 窩・耳管隆起)lateral wall of nasopharynx (fossa of Rosenmüller, torus tubarius)
5.2 上咽頭後上壁・下壁 posterior/superior/inferior wall of nasopharynx
5.3 咽頭頭底筋膜・Morgagni 洞 pharyngobasilar fascia, sinus of Morgagni
5.4 口蓋帆挙筋・口蓋帆張筋・耳管 levator veli palatini muscle, tensor veli palatini muscle, eustachian tube
6 中咽頭 oropharynx
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6.1 舌根・舌扁桃 base of tongue, lingual tonsil
6.2 喉頭蓋谷 vallecula
6.3 軟口蓋・口蓋垂 soft palate, uvula
6.4 口蓋扁桃・扁桃窩 palatine tonsil, tonsillar fossa
6.5 前口蓋弓・口蓋舌筋 anterior tonsillar pillar, palatoglossus muscle
6.6 後口蓋弓・口蓋咽頭筋 posterior tonsillar pillar, palatopharyngeus muscle
6.7 中咽頭後壁 posterior oropharyngeal wall
6.8 茎突咽頭筋 stylopharyngeus muscle
6.9 翼突下顎縫線 pterygomandibular raphe
7 口腔・顎骨 oral cavity, jawbone
―― 総論
7.1 舌・内舌筋 oral tongue, intrinsic muscles of the tongue
7.2 外舌筋 extrinsic muscles of the tongue
7.3 舌神経血管束 lingual neurovascular bundle
7.4 舌下間隙 sublingual space
7.5 顎下間隙 submandibular space
7.6 頰粘膜・頰筋・頰間隙 buccal mucosa, buccal muscle, buccal space
7.7 臼後三角 retromolar trigone
7.8 小唾液腺 minor salivary glands
7.9 上顎・硬口蓋 maxilla, hard palate
7.10 下顎 mandible
7.11 顎関節 temporomandibular joint
7.12 歯 tooth
7.13 歯肉 gingiva
8 喉頭・下咽頭・頸部食道 larynx, hypopharynx, cervical esophagus
―― 総論
8.1 舌骨 hyoid bone
8.2 喉頭蓋 epiglottis
8.3 仮声帯・喉頭室 false cord, laryngeal ventricle
8.4 声 帯・前連合・後連合 vocal cord, anterior commissure, posterior commissure
8.5 喉頭蓋前間隙 preepiglottic space
8.6 傍声帯間隙 paraglottic space
8.7 甲状軟骨 thyroid cartilage
8.8 輪 状軟骨・披裂軟骨・輪状披裂関節・披裂 cricoid cartilage, arytenoid cartilage, cricoarytenoid joint, arytenoid
8.9 甲 状舌骨膜・上喉頭神経血管束 thyrohyoid membrane,superior laryngeal neurovascular bundle
8.10 声門下・輪状甲状膜 subglottis,cricothyroid membrane
8.11 梨状陥凹(梨状窩) pyriform sinus/piriform sinus
8.12 下咽頭後壁 posterior wall of hypopharynx
8.13 輪状後部 postcricoid
8.14 頸部食道 cervical esophagus
9 側頭骨 temporal bone
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9.1 耳介 auricle
9.2 外耳道 external auditory canal
9.3 耳小骨 auditory ossicles
9.4 鼓室 tympanic cavity
9.5 乳突蜂巣 mastoid air cells
9.6 内耳 internal ear
9.7 錐体尖 petrous apex
9.8 顔面神経管 facial nerve canal
9.9 側頭骨の血管・神経 vascular and nerve of the temporal bone
10 大唾液腺・顔面神経 major salivary gland, facial nerve
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10.1 耳下腺 parotid gland
10.2 顔面神経(頭蓋外) facial nerve
10.3 顎下腺 submaxillary gland
10.4 舌下腺 sublingual gland
11 甲状腺・副甲状腺 thyroid gland, parathyroid gland
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11.1 甲状腺 thyroid gland
11.2 副甲状腺 parathyroid gland
11.3 反回神経 recurrent laryngeal nerve
12 頸部リンパ節 cervical lymph node
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12.1 レベルⅠ level Ⅰ
12.2 レベルⅡ level Ⅱ
12.3 レベルⅢ・Ⅳ level Ⅲ, Ⅳ
12.4 レベルⅤ・鎖骨上窩 level Ⅴ, supraclavicular node
12.5 レベルⅥ level Ⅵ
12.6 咽頭後リンパ節 retropharyngeal node
13 頸部血管 blood vessels of the head and neck
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13.1 頸部動脈 major arteries of the head and neck
13.2 頸部静脈 major veins of the head and neck
14 顔面 face
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14.1 皮下組織 subcutaneous tissue
14.2 表情筋・SMAS muscles of facial expression, superficial musculoaponeurotic system
14.3 顔面骨 facial bones